2025 Sporting & Technical Guidelines
Races organised by the Historic Grand Prix Cars Association (‘HGPCA’) are for their Life, Full and Ordinary Members to race their Eligible Grand Prix cars. By exception, Eligible Grand Prix cars owned by a Life or Full Member may also be raced by an Associate Member specifically invited by the Board as someone able and likely to uphold these Sporting and Technical Guidelines as well as the FIA’s International Sporting Code.
Races organised by the HGPCA provide the opportunity for owner-drivers to race their historic Grand Prix cars in an atmosphere somewhat similar to that enjoyed in period. The major guiding principles are authenticity and amateur sporting participation. 'Historic competition is not simply another formula in which to acquire trophies, it is a discipline apart, in which one of the essential ingredients is a devotion to the cars and to their history.’ (FIA International Sporting Code Appendix K para 1.1).
Members are reminded that they only race by invitation of the Board who select invitees to race who, in their opinion, will provide a spectacle of representative historic Grand Prix cars racing in a safe and evocative manner. Generally, priority is given to member-owner drivers. Prospective Full Members are permitted by the Board to race their Eligible Grand Prix car once as an Associate Member but thereafter will be required to join as a Full Member.
The Board is very conscious of the need for a consistently high standard of driver discipline.
The cars we drive have few inherent safety features. Accidents not only destroy originality but also put at risk the Appendix K period concessions under which we are allowed to race. Members are therefore required by the Association to drive in a sportsmanlike and considerate fashion, in particular avoiding contact and not indulging in aggressive driving tactics. Drivers are required to report any contact incidents as soon as practical after the race/qualifying session to the Driving Standards official in attendance. A Driving Standards sub committee is in place to review all accidents as a matter of course and incidents and causes for complaint as they arise. Offenders will be warned and may not be invited to future HGPCA races.
It is the nature of our Association that we have members and cars of widely differing ability and performance. A high degree of tolerance is expected from faster drivers. Any behaviour that brings or is likely to bring the Association into disrepute, including abusive language and/or gestures to other competitors or officials, will not be tolerated.
Owners and drivers should understand that they race by invitation of the Association. This requires that the declaration on the Season Entry Form is signed by the owner (and driver, if different) of any car entered in a race supported by the HGPCA. This constitutes an agreement to abide by the Association’s rules and guidelines and an undertaking to conduct themselves in a considerate and sporting manner at all times both on and off the track.
Should you feel strongly about anything relating to the conduct of the HGPCA, please address it in writing to the Board where it can be properly discussed, and any appropriate action taken. Where, after an HGPCA race, a Member feels that they have just cause to complain, they should approach the Driving Standards Observer or any Board Member for the incident to be discussed at the earliest opportunity, preferably at the event. Director Rod Jolley has volunteered to act as Member/Competitor liaison and his contact details - if you are unable to meet and discuss at the circuit - can be obtained from the Head Office.
The Board’s aim is to feature different eras of cars in races throughout the year putting the emphasis on eligible Grand Prix cars according to our overall principles. Each event will stand alone from previous and subsequent events. HGPCA cars run unsilenced.
As was the custom in period, standing starts will normally be used with the cars positioned in a one-by-one staggered layout. By prior agreement, where circuit safety prescriptions require or the number of cars exceeds the practicality of a standing start, rolling starts may be used.
When two races are held at one event, the grid positions for race 1 will be set using the fastest lap time achieved in qualifying. The grid positions for race 2 will be set using the finishing positions from race 1.
Owners are required to maintain the original configuration and specification of their cars in accordance with its HTP papers to the extent that the HTP papers reflect its original configuration and specification. Copies of the HTP are held by the Association. Declared details of all cars entered must be accurate, especially with respect to permitted engine size, wheel size, and weight.
Cars competing in HGPCA supported races must be shown, to the reasonable satisfaction of the Board, to have competed in an International event in a particular historic period and to be preserved in as close a form to original specification as practicable.
Cars not endowed with period competition history but representative of the specification and period, and considered suitable additions to historic racing, will be considered for inclusion in HGPCA races at the sole discretion of the Board.
The Board will consider the merits of all cars members propose, even where they do not naturally fall into the established classes described. The Board reserves the right to place cars in the class it considers most suitable.
Alcohol-based fuel may only be used in Pre-1958 cars in Classes 1-6 and Pre-1961 Indianapolis cars of Class 8. Cars that require special fuels to enable their engines to be run in original configuration are permitted to use fuels other than pump fuel. However, the precise make up of the alternative fuel must be available, on demand at any time, from the entrant for the Safety or Environmental Scrutineer. Cars which use fuel other than petrol, e.g. methanol, must display a fluorescent orange disc 75mm in diameter on the background of each competition number. All fuel must be transported, stored and handled in line with the promoter's instructions, the circuit's regulations and the national rules of the country in which the event is being held. We strongly recommend that fuel tanks are bagged or, at the very least, foam-filled. It is likely that this recommendation will become a requirement at some point.
All cars competing in HGPCA races must have fitted working LED ‘rain’ lights conforming to and positioned in accordance with the specification set out in para 5.14 of Appendix K. Pre-War cars will be required to illuminate their rain lights at all times when out on track.
FIA rules for historic events restrict competitors to a ‘control’ tyre - namely Dunlop. Only Dunlop R5 or earlier pattern tyres in 204 compound will be accepted in HGPCA supported Pre 1961 races (L section tyres are not accepted). Other tyre types offered for sale as road tyres with an aspect ratio of 75% or more having a speed rating of 'S' or above may be used only when such Dunlop tyres are not available in a suitable specification. R6 CR48L section tyres and R7 CR65L section tyres in 204 compound may be used in HGPCA supported Pre 1966 races (M section tyres are not accepted).
Unless period evidence is produced to support a larger dimension, the largest wheel rim width that may be fitted to cars manufactured before 1.1.1961 is 5.5”; for cars manufactured between 1.1.1961 and 31.12.1965, 6.5” is accepted. In any case, 15” tyres no wider than 6.50 may be fitted.
The Board in its absolute discretion may declare exceptions to this Regulation 9. For the 2025 season, the Board has granted the facility for Pre-1961 cars to run Dunlop L section tyres in 204 compound rather than R5 or earlier patterns.
We accept or permit electronic ignition in place of original points and condenser provided that it is not programmable, spark enhancing, or multi-spark discharge. If electronic ignition was originally fitted, a suitable alternative is acceptable.
Whenever possible the Association will arrange for cars to be checked for safety by scrutineers with experience of HGPCA cars. Eligibility to race will be the responsibility of the Board as delegated to its Eligibility Sub Committee. In addition, ‘parc ferme’ will not generally be used unless demanded by the specific event organiser.
All races are held under a national Permit of the host ASN of the country of the event. HGPCA competitors must hold a valid competition race licence; a Motorsport UK National race licence, or European equivalent, is sufficient for members racing in HGPCA organised grids in the United Kingdom and Europe
Except by specific dispensation granted by the Board, all competing cars are required to have been issued with an FIA Historic Technical Passport which should be available for inspection at all HGPCA supported events. Owners are required to race their cars in their original configuration and specification, which usually means in accordance with their HTP papers.
By allowing the Association to arrange the scrutineering of our cars at some events, it is the presumption of the organisers that we will have complied with the rule requiring all our cars to have been issued with these forms. Any member planning to race a car for which an HTP has not been issued should contact the ASN of the country issuing their competition licence; for United Kingdom members, this is Motorsport UK.
Cars competing in events supported by the HGPCA must be of the type that competed in Grand Epreuve races on or before 31st December 1965 and will be categorized into one of the classes below. The Association reserves to right to amalgamate classes as required.
Front Engine Cars
Class 1 – 1925-1934 Grand Prix cars running on 18” or 19” wheels
Class 2 - 1935 - 1951 Grand Prix cars running on 18” or 19” wheels (cars running with smaller wheels must show period evidence)
Class 3 - Pre 1939 1.5 litre Voiturette cars on 16” wheels
Class 4 - 1930 -1951 Grand Prix & Voiturette cars over 1.5 litres on 16” wheels
Class 5 - 1952/53 2 litre Grand Prix cars
Class 6 - 1954 -1958 Grand Prix cars on 16” wheels
Class 7a - Pre 1961 front engine Grand Prix cars on 15” wheels
Class 8 - Formula Libre, Indianapolis & Intercontinental cars
Invitation Class
Rear Engine Cars
Class 7b - Pre 1961 Grand Prix cars on 15” wheels
Class 7c* - Pre 1961 Formula 2 cars of not more than 1.5 litres * May be included in front engine races
Class 9 - Pre 1961 Grand Prix/Formula 2 cars of not more than 2 litres
Class 10a - Pre 1 Jan 1964 1.5 litre 4-cylinder Formula 1 cars
Class 10b - 1964/65 Formula 1 cars and 1964-66 Formula 2 cars of not more than 1000cc
Class 11 - Pre 1966 1.5 litre multi-cylinder Formula 1 cars
Class 12 - Pre 1966 Tasman and Intercontinental 4-cylinder cars of not more than 2.7 litres
Invitation Class